Thursday, July 5, 2018

Petroleum jelly is an age-old remedy for treating wounds, but new research shows it not only isn’t the best choice for wound management, but quite possibly could increase your chances of getting an infection. This goes against what the label says, as well as what experts like the American Academy of Dermatology advise you, but according to BBC, the new findings suggest that using the jelly as a first-line treatment may hinder the body’s ability to heal properly. 

It’s always a shock when we learn that something we’ve believed for a long time is good for us isn’t quite so good after all, particularly when it comes to man-made products, whether they’re meant for topical use or ingestion. Fortunately, there are many natural, proven treatments for wounds, and a great number of them include various essential oils, such as rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus and oregano, to name a few. 

Another exciting wound treatment that is being utilized by major hospitals and wound care specialists is Manuka honey, which lab tests have shown is a powerful inhibitor of bacteria. It treats all kinds of wounds, including burns. Before penicillin came along, it was a go-to remedy for wound healing, and has been used for millennia as such. But allopathic medicine seems to have suddenly just “discovered” it, with medical grades of it now widely available. 

Naturally antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, Manuka honey is very effective for sore throats and coughs. It forms a protective film over the area, relieving inflammation and irritation, making it a bona fide demulcent, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s even been shown to be helpful for genital herpes and cancer. 

Other types of raw honey can offer some of the same protections as Manuka, but if you use other honeys, you need to remember that not all honey is equal. There is a large variation in how natural honeys work. Not only that, not every honey on the shelf is the pure, raw and unfiltered kind that will have these properties. In fact, highly processed honey is altered to the point that healing compounds may not be left. Much of this type comes from China and doesn’t even have any pollen particles.

Your health is under siege from every direction. Environmental toxins, ultra-processed foods, EMFs, government-subsidized GMOs and a host of other threats surround us. It is simply not possible to protect yourself unless you are armed with cutting edge health information.

The most complex tasks can be made easy if you just take one step at a time. Taken as a whole, this 30-tip plan makes for a comprehensive guide that can change your life. Just a few of the topics addressed are:
  • What to eat and when to eat it
  • Exercise strategies that you can implement today
  • The power of emotional health
  • Enhancing your health with essentials like air, sunshine and water
  • How to get the restorative sleep that your body requires
It may seem that health and wellness are no longer the norm. An opioid epidemic sweeps the country, the obesity rate is skyrocketing, life expectancy is dropping and chronic diseases are rampant. Our communities are being damaged at every level and the only way to reverse these trends is through education and personal example. My 30-tip plan provides you with the tools you need to take control of your health. The time is ripe for revolution — a health revolution.


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