Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Cancer begins in your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. Normally, your body forms new cells as you need them, replacing old cells that die. Sometimes this process goes wrong. New cells grow even when you don't need them, and old cells don't die when they should. These extra cells can form a mass called a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors aren't cancer while malignant ones are. Cells from malignant tumors can invade nearby tissues. They can also break away and spread to other parts of the body.
Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Most cancers are named for where they start. For example, lung cancer starts in the lung, and breast cancer starts in the breast. The spread of cancer from one part of the body to another is called metastasis. Symptoms and treatment depend on the cancer type and how advanced it is. Most treatment plans may include surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. Some may involve hormone therapy, immunotherapy or other types of biologic therapy, or stem cell transplantation.

Modern Life Causes of Cancer.

      • Genetically modified food
      • Most laundry detergents
      • Commercial hair dyes
      • Air pollution (including carbon monoxide, methylene
chloride, and acrolein)
      • Granite counter-tops (which emit radon)
      • Rancid peanuts and seeds
      • Canola oil
      • Canned tomatoes
      • Food laced with pesticides
      • Chemicals from aerosol cans
      • Mammograms
      • X-Rays
      • Food microwaved in plastic containers (including plastic wrap, the plastic trays that come with frozen TV dinners, and even plastic baby bottles)
    • Environmental pollutants (such as asbestos, benzene, and formaldehyde)
      •Tobacco (including second-hand and third-hand smoke)

      Top 7 Natural Remedies For Cancer Treatment.

 Regular Exercise

It’s easy to stop wanting to exercise when you’re not feeling well. However, statistics show that if you do exercise, you’re going to feel better faster.

Exercise helps to lower insulin levels and this in turn can make the environment for cancer not so friendly. When cells have lower insulin they are far better equipped to fight off cancer cells.

Regular exercise is imperative to help fight off cancer and stop it in its tracks. Even a short walk is better than not getting any exercise at all.

In time, that short walk can be expanded upon and more intense walks can be taken. If you can add in aerobic exercises all the better. Just remember to start out slowly and gradually increase the intensity.

As you recover your health exercise will become easier and easier and you’re going to feel the difference. Focus on simple exercise when you’re not feeling up to a full blown workout.

Vitamin D

According to scientific evidence, you can lower your risk of cancer and help stop cancerous growths by adding a good vitamin D supplement to your diet.

For those undergoing cancer treatment, you’ll require approximately 30 to 90 mg/ml for the most benefit of the supplement.

It’s important to have the doctor monitor your vitamin D levels at regular intervals. You can also get more Vitamin D in the sunshine and by drinking Vitamin D fortified milk and other products.

Ask your doctor what your optimum Vitamin D level is and have them check it for you. It’s a quick easy blood test and will be very informative.

Sometimes levels are so low that a doctor will actually prescribe a very large dose of Vitamin D to be taken in one large dose with a second dose taken a week later.

Ask your doctor how much Vitamin D you require per day and how you should be getting your Vitamin D.


Perhaps the easiest natural remedy of all for treating cancer, sleep is important. If you’re not getting enough restorative sleep, your body won’t have time to fight off the cancer.

Poor sleep interferes with your production of melatonin. Poor melatonin levels can leave you at risk for insulin resistance as well as weight gain which in turn can increase your cancer ability to multiply. Get your rest. It will give your body a chance to fight off the cancer.

A healthy adult requires six to eight hours of sleep per night. If you’re battling cancer, you may require even more. Get your rest.

If you can’t get six to eight hours of sleep in per night consider taking a short nap once or twice per day. This will help to improve your immune system and help you to fight off the disease.

Limit Exposure To Toxins

To help combat your cancer, stay away from as many toxins as you possibly can. This list should include all pesticides, all herbicides as well as household cleaners that contain chemicals.

This also includes air fresheners such as the synthetic ones and toxic cosmetics, shampoos and chemicals (yes, this would include hair dyes).

Be a label reader and if you can’t pronounce something that is in a product you buy, do your research and find out what it is and if there is anything that can cause cancer in the product.

A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t pronounce it, it might be hazardous to your health. Focus on all natural products that have just a few ingredients in them vs a long list of ingredients with many chemicals or toxins.

Limit Radiation Exposure

Even if you’re receiving radiation therapy for your cancer, you need to limit your other sources of radiation. Other sources of radiation include cell phones, cell phone towers and bases.

Base stations for all radio communications, Wi-Fi stations, dental X rays and other X rays that you may require. If you can avoid them, by all means, do so.

If you do have any upcoming tests that involve radiation, be sure to let the technologist know that you’re undergoing cancer treatments and ask them to minimize any excess exposure to radiation.

In some cases, they can postpone the exposure to radiation to a time when you’re cancer free. While diagnostic tests are important to health, they may increase the risk to cancers in some people.

Talk with the technologist on how you can minimize your exposure while still getting the medical benefits that you require.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

When your body is stressed you’re at a higher risk for fighting off anything, especially cancer. Stress has long been associated with putting people at a higher risk for disease.

Find ways to reduce your stress levels. Unresolved issues in your life can create emotional distress which in turn can cause your body to be at a higher risk for diseases including cancers.

Address these issues and find a way to resolve them as quickly as possible. Lower your stress levels and avoid situations that can create more stress in your life.

If your job is stressing you out, consider changing jobs to something less stressful. Find ways to remove yourself from stress and watch how much better you begin to feel.

Consider meditation and physical activity as ways of dealing with stress as well. The body is an amazing machine and if you’re keeping busy you’ll be dealing better with the stress.

Just make sure that you’re not keeping so busy that you’re adding to the stress. There is a happy medium of being busy so seek to strive for that level and maintain it for the best possible results.

Restore Your Immune System

One of the key’s to treating cancer is to restore your immune system. Many people get so caught up in the latest diet trends and the latest treatment protocols that they forget how important their immune systems are.

Limit your exposure to toxins and chemicals. Limit your stress and be concerned about what is in the foods you’re consuming.

Focus on healthy living and staying away from things that simply aren’t healthy for you. Decades ago cancer was virtually unheard of. If you did hear about it you were sure to be given a death sentence.

Thanks to more information and modern technology, more and more people are surviving cancer diagnosis.

Thanks to learning natural methods of treating cancer, more and more people are finding even healthier and better ways of treating cancer.

Today the long term diagnosis of cancer is far better than that of ten years ago. More and more people are focusing on natural cures and finding healthier alternatives to chemotherapy that can weaken the entire body not just the cancer cells.

Today, more than ever before, cancer patients have options. They have a better chance of survival and a better opportunity to treat their conditions.

With modern medicines more people are being diagnosed early which gives them a better chance at recovery.

The sooner a condition is diagnosed the sooner patients can begin healthier living which in turn is a way of natural remedies for cancer.

Cancer is no longer the death sentence that it once was. Thanks to modern technology it can be diagnosed earlier and by implementing these healthy natural changes in lifestyle it can be cured much more quickly than ever before.

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